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Antiguo convento de Santo Domingo

Junto a la terraza del mirador de la Punta del Viento se levanta el antiguo convento de Santo Domingo, en la calle del mismo nombre. La Orden de Santo Domingo terminó la construcción del convento dominico de San Pedro González Telmo alrededor de 1659. En 1778 el convento sufrió un devastador incendio. La reconstrucción fue llevada a cabo entre 1781 y 1786 por el arquitecto José de Bethencourt y Castro. A causa del proceso de desamortización de 1837, pasó a manos del Estado y, con posterioridad, en 1950, lo adquirieron particulares. En el siglo XIX fue la casa natal de Luis Rodríguez Figueroa, destacado político e ilustrado portuense ajusticiado durante la Guerra Civil. El Ayuntamiento del Puerto de la Cruz ha adquirido recientemente el inmueble a la familia Rahn para destinarlo a sede de las Casas Consistoriales.

Former Convent of Santo Domingo [Saint James]

Next to the Punta del Viento viewpoint is the former convent of Santo Domingo, in the street of the same name. The Order of Saint James finished the construction of the Dominican Convent of San Pedro González Telmo around the year 1659. In 1778 the Convent was devastated by fire. The reconstruction was carried out between 1781 and 1786 by the architect José de Bethencourt y Castro. As a result of the disentailment (enforced sale of Church lands) in 1837, it became State property and was bought by a private individual in 1950. In the XIXth Century, Luis Rodríguez Figueroa was born in this house; an outstanding and learned politician , he was executed during the Spanish Civil War. The Town Council of Puerto de la Cruz recently acquired the building from the Rahn family with the intention of housing the Council offices in it.

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